The Business Master (4th Edition)
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PDL Phone Dialer - vr.1.00
(C) Copyright 1991 by Steven Hawkins. All Rights Reserved.
+---------+ | (R)
--| | O |------------------
| +---------+ | Association of
| | |--+ Shareware
+---| O | Professionals
------| | |---------------------
+---------+ Member
Distributed and Supported by : FormGen Corporation
#9 - 13 Holland Dr.
Bolton, Ontario, Canada
L7E 1G4
(416) 857-4141
"This program is produced by a member of the Association of
Shareware Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the
shareware principle works for you. If you are unable to resolve a
shareware-related problem with an ASP member by contacting the
member directly, ASP may be able to help. The ASP Ombudsman can
help you resolve a dispute or problem with an ASP member, but does
not provide technical support for members' products. Please write
to the ASP Ombudsman at 545 Grover Road, Muskegon, MI 49442 or send
a CompuServe message via CompuServe Mail to ASP Ombudsman
This program is NOT public domain but is being distributed via the
"Shareware" concept. The program may be freely distributed but it
cannot under any circumstances be sold by anyone except the author.
You may distribute the program to others provided that it has not
been modified in any way, and that all supplied documentation and
support files remain intact.
Feel free to try out the program for 30 days to see if it meets
your needs. If you continue to use the program after the trial
period then please register by sending $25.00 as a single copy
license fee along with the registration form at the end of this
document to:
FormGen Corporation
#9 - 13 Holland Dr.
Bolton, Ontario, Canada
L7E 1G4
A single copy license fee entitles you to execute the program on
only one machine at a time. You may move the program from one
machine to another, store the program on several machines or store
the program on a network fileserver as long as the program is only
executed on one computer at a time.
When you register, you will receive much more extensive, printed
documentation, a copy of the latest version without the Shareware
reminder screen, notification of and a discount on any future
updates, and unlimited tech support.
Volume discounts, site licenses, LAN licenses etc. are available
under very reasonable terms. Please send any reports of bugs or
requests for multiple copy licensing to the above address.
Shareware distributors or bulletin board operators may distribute
the program only under the following conditions :
- PDL must be distributed as a complete system with all original
files included.
- PDL and its accompanying files may not be modified in any way.
- No form of documentation may be added to the system.
- No other software may be included on the diskette (or in the .ARC
or .ZIP file in the case of a bulletin board posting)
- No purchase fee may be charged, a nominal handling and shipping
fee of $10 or less is allowed.
"Shareware" is a term used to describe a system for distribution of
software. Under the shareware concept, software may be freely
copied and passed along to others, or distributed through bulletin
board systems, etc.
As a recipient of a shareware program, you may use the software for
a short trial period to determine if it meets your needs. If it
does, you pay the registration fee. By paying the fee, you are
granted the right to retain the software for your use. If the
software is not suitable, then you may discard it.
The shareware system provides substantial benefits.
1) You get to try out the software before you buy it so you know
exactly what you're buying.
2) Shareware is substantially less expensive than most commercial
programs. You don't pay for costly marketing programs and fancy
3) You get access to a much broader base of available programs.
Thousands of excellent programs have been written by expert
programmers who would never consider marketing commercially.
Through the concept of shareware, these people make their
programs available to the community. Usually, all they ask in
return is a small fee to reward them for the time and effort
they have put into the program.
The system is based entirely on the honor system, and generally
works quite well. (Most people are honest and wouldn't violate the
trust placed in them by the author of the software.) Shareware is
NOT free software - the author counts on your integrity. Please
register using the form at the end of this manual.
You are encouraged to copy this software and pass it along to others
who may be interested in using it.
Page 4
== Contents ========================================================
= Introduction .............................. page 5
= Configuration ............................. page 5
= Startup ................................... page 8
= Functions ................................. page 9
Letter Searches ........................ page 9
Initial Search : F3 ........................ page 9
Text Search : F4 ...................... page 10
Case Sensitivity : F5 ...................... page 11
Dial Number : Enter .................... page 11
Exit PDL : Escape / F10 ................... page 11
= Directory Files ........................... page 12
Load Directory Files : F2 ................. page 13
Edit Directory Files : F7 ................. page 13
= Log Files ................................. page 15
Log File Toggle : F6 ...................... page 16
= Long Distance Codes etc. .................. page 16
= System Time Display ....................... page 17
= Command Line Options ...................... page 17
= PDL Registration .......................... page 18
Page 5
== Introduction ====================================================
The PDL Dialer is a very simple to use utility that dials phone
numbers via your modem. You can create any number of directory
files for use with the program and quickly load them into the
dialer. You can locate a directory entry by searching for
Initials, searching for Text, or by going to the First Letter of a
record. You can enter an Access Code that will be added to the
number dialed automatically in order to clear office switchboards
etc. If you travel frequently, you can assign a default local area
code that will be removed from any long distance numbers when you
go to dial out.
PDL is provided in two different forms, a memory resident version
called PDLr and a transient (non-resident) version called PDLn.
The memory resident version has a capacity of 100 records and can
be easily popped up from any application or DOS. The non-resident
version has a capacity of up to 800 records but must be run from
the DOS prompt like a nornal DOS application. Both version of PDL
can be easily setup for a tone or pulse phone line, and you can
also enter an initialization string for your modem. You can also
change the hotkeys used by PDLr. Both PDLr and PDLn are
functionally identical with the exception of the Startup and Exit
method. These minor differences are discussed where appropriate
This package is supplied with three executable files, the resident
dialer PDLR.COM, the transient version PDLN.COM and a simple
configuration program called PDLC.EXE. You MUST run the PDLc
configuration program before using the PDL dialer.
== Configuration ===================================================
In order to use PDL, you must run the PDLc setup utility. This
program allows you to set screen colours, setup hardware
parameters, establish various program defaults, and define the
hotkey for the memory resident version. Start PDLc by typing
"PDLC" and hitting Enter. The lower half of your screen will
clear to present the following display :
| PDLc | vr.x.xx | (c) Copyright 1991 S.Hawkins. All rights reserved|
| Color Options Modem |
| General : 7 | Sys.Time : Y | Com Port : Com? |
| Highlight : 15 | Log Call : N | Baud Rate : 1200 |
| Edit : 112 | Log Type : Both | Dial Type : Pulse |
| Header : 112 | Tone Freq. : 200 Hz | Initialize : | |
| Bar : 112 | Access Code : | |
| Keys : 15 | L.Dist Code : | ----------------------|
| | | HotKey : Mk 08 Scn 39 |
Up Dwn:Move Space:Toggle F2:Hotkey Esc:Exit
Page 6
You can move from field to field using the Up and Down Arrow Keys.
When you are done, press the Escape key to exit PDLc.
The section on the left allows you to change the colors used by PDL
if you find the defaults unacceptable. The labels should easily
identify what the values refer to and won't be discussed here. If
you start PDLc on a color system, it will attempt to set the color
values accordingly, therefore the values illustrated above may not
be what you will see. Also, it is essential that the Highlight and
Edit colors be different values, particularly on a monchrome
The centre section allows you to change log operations, the
frequency of the error tone, and assign any Access or Long Distance
Codes. Each option is outlined below :
Sys.Time : If "Y", PDL will startup with the system time
displayed on the status line. This switch can be
over-ridden by the "/t" command line switch
discussed in the Display System Time section at the
end of this file.
Log Call : Allows you to toggle the Log Call function On or
Off. This is the Log Function's default setting
when PDL is loaded. Its can be easly toggled On or
Off from within PDL.
Log Type : Allows you to log only Local, Long Distance or Both
calls to a log file called PDL.LOG. Just press the
Spacebar to toggle through the available choices.
This option does Not turn the log function On or
Tone Freq. : Allows you to set the frequency of the beep signal
used when a record cannot be found with a search
command. By default, the 200 Hz. cycle is not
offensive, but may be too low for your environment.
Type in the value you want to a maximum of 9999.
Access Code : The Access Code allows you to add a dialing prefix
with pause commands and numbers, to get through an
office switchboard etc. Type in the values you
need using the symbols specified in your modem
manual. A typical pause would be a , comma
L.Dist Code : Phone numbers in PDL should always be entered with
their full dialing prefix and area code. The
L.Dist Code is the value you need to remove from
this full number in order to change it to a local
call. For example, if you live in area code 416
and all numbers are entered in your directory in
the format "1-xxx-xxx.xxxx", then the L.Dist Code
Page 7
would have to be "1-416". When the number is
dialed, the "1-416" and the "-" following it are
stripped off to create a local number. Please see
the section on Long Distance Codes near the end of
this manual.
The block on the right allows you to change the modem setup. The
Com Port can be set from 1 to 4 by hitting the Spacebar. Press the
Down Arrow or Enter Key to move to the Baud Rate field, and use the
Spacebar to run through the list of choices until your number comes
up ! Options are 300, 1200, 2400, and 9600 baud.
Next, move to the Dial Type field to set either Tone or Pulse,
using the Spacebar to toggle your choice.
The Initialize section allows you to make changes to the default
values sent to your modem when PDL is loaded from the DOS prompt or
popped up. Please consult your modem manual for available options.
Internally, PDL always sends the following Initialization string :
AT E0 S0=0 S11=65 Q1
AT get the modems attention
E0 do not echo back commands
S0=0 disable answer mode
S11=65 set dialing speed to 65 milli-seconds
Q1 Disable Result Codes
These defaults should be fine for any Hayes compatible modem.
Should you wish to change any of them or add new settings, just
type them in, up to 25 characters. Any entries should always be
preceded by an "AT" command. If you forget to add the AT then PDLc
will beep at you when you leave the Initialize field, add the "AT"
for you, and re-display the new values. If you have entered a full
line of changes, some of them may be dropped off by the addition of
the "AT" command. Please check the string before moving on to the
next item.
The Hotkey section allows you to change the default Alt Spacebar
hotkey used by PDLr should it conflict with another memory resident
application. To change the hotkey, press F2 to access the keymask
value, The Keymask can ONLY be one of four possible keys, Ctrl,
Alt, Left or Right Shift. When you press the appropriate key, its
Keymask value is displayed and the cursor moves over to the
Scancode box. The Scancode value can be any other single key
supported by your systems BIOS. Just press the key you wish to
use, and its Scancode value will appear on the display and you will
be returned to the first field on the PDLc display. If your BIOS
does not support the selected key or you enter an illegal Keymask
value, PDLc will beep at you and not allow you to move on to the
next item.
When all configuration options are set as you wish, press the
Escape key to return to DOS. Your current setup options are
Page 8
written to a file called PDL.CNF. This file is always written to
the directory from which the PDLc utility has been run. The
contents of this file are loaded every time you start either of the
two PDL Dialers.
== Startup =========================================================
Resident Version :
To start the resident version of PDL, type "PDLR" on the DOS
command line and press Enter. A brief copyright notice will
appear, PDLr and the default directory file PDL.DIR will be loaded
into memory, and the DOS prompt will be restored. If PDL is
already in memory, then the message 'PDLr Already Loaded' will
appear. To use the dialer, just pop it up using the key
combination Alt Spacebar (hold down the Alt key, tap the Spacebar,
and then release both keys). If you have changed the hotkeys with
the PDLc utility, please substitute accordingly.
Non Resident Version :
To start the non-resident version of PDL, type "PDLN" on the DOS
command line and press Enter. A copyright screen will then appear.
Press any key, and PDLn will load the default directory file
PDL.DIR and initialize your modem.
Main Screen :
Regardless of which version of PDL you use, the main screen will
appear as illustrated below :
: PDLx | Dir : c:\pdl\pdl.dir | 12:36:14 am |.l| View :